Be the Future Legacy Circle

A gift 'carefully and thoughtfully considered'

“I’ve always been skeptical of making charitable donations to large organizations. It was hard for me to visualize where the money really went on its way to helping good causes. This hesitancy was reinforced during 9-11. We lived and worked in Tribeca at the time, right at the edge of Ground Zero. Fortunately, we had no damage to our loft and only missed a week of work. Shortly after we returned home, a nice couple from an international relief organization rang the bell; they had come to let us know that their organization had lots of money and they asked me how much I wanted. I’m sure donors to that fund didn’t anticipate that their donations were headed to a well-off Tribeca family and business.

“Recently in planning our estate, I thought of that experience. Looking for a more personal and local charity, we considered some of the larger local Dutchess County charities as well as our college alma maters.  But I worried that our contributions would be a small drop in their buckets.

“Then I attended one of NECC’s early Chef and Farmer brunches and discovered the amazing, good work that the North East Community Center does right here in our own community, and my family and I decided to make NECC part of our estate planning. We also donate yearly from our IRAs.

“I am thrilled to have recently been invited to join the Board of Directors of NECC, and I can assure you that every program and dollar is carefully and thoughtfully considered and, best of all, benefits the many needs of our local community, from small children to our oldest neighbors.

“I hope you will consider joining me in the Be the Future Legacy Circle by designating a planned gift for NECC.”

—Karen Jacobson, NECC Board Member


This kind of future thinking is what you can accomplish with a planned gift. Join NECC’s Be the Future Legacy Circle and leave a legacy that aligns with your values: no one goes hungry; children are nurtured and loved; seniors live with dignity; our community’s vast resources are available to all. From its inception as a catalyst to create partnerships to address community needs, NECC has expanded over the years to become a highly respected provider of a wide range of programs and services, addressing needs not only in Millerton and North East but also in surrounding rural towns in northeast Dutchess County. Ensure our community continues to thrive into the future by designating a gift to NECC in your estate planning. Your planned gift means your generosity will reach generations to come while you and your family enjoy the benefits of smart financial planning.

A legacy gift to NECC will:

  •  Maintain free transportation options to seniors and others who need rides to medical appointments and grocery stores

  •  Feed the hungry in our county

  •  Provide high quality child care to working families

  •  Equip young adults to enter the work force

  •  Develop leaders now and for the future

Your estate gift could be a powerful and lasting legacy. Reach out to NECC today to get started!

All inquiries are welcome and held in the strictest confidence. You are never obligated to make a gift. This information is not and should not be construed as legal advice. State laws vary. Consult an attorney when preparing your estate and other long-term planning documents.